Navigating towards a greener future: A practical guide to environmental education (EE)

Let's kick off the new year by addressing environmental issues, a major concern for students. At Vireo, we strongly believe in the importance of raising awareness about the challenges of environmental education (EE).

Vireo brought together a panel of four experts to assess the current status of the environment in the educational system and to identify concrete solutions for addressing climate challenges through education. The result of this collaboration is a guide rich in ideas and initiatives, organized around four essential themes:

  • Political and Economic

  • Social and Community-Based

  • Educational

  • Practical and Technological

This document aims to be a beacon of hope for a greener and more sustainable future.


Are you looking for a turnkey project to integrate the environment into your school?

Vireo's indoor gardening project reconnects students with nature through a high-capacity hydroponic garden, a digital platform with multiple educational resources, and personalized support throughout the project. Easily integrated into the school curriculum and linked to other subjects such as science or math, it promotes active and concrete learning for students.


The Harvest Festival - A Celebration of Learning at Vireo


The Faces of Vireo - Ms. Julie’s beyond the classroom experience