The Harvest Festival - A Celebration of Learning at Vireo

Each year, Vireo’s community gathers to celebrate the Harvest Festival. This iconic event brings together teachers, students, and families to highlight the fruits of their labor. Starting with the first harvest from the school garden, it emphasizes the students' learning journey and the richness of the experiences gained through a hydroponic gardening project.

This year, the celebration took a very interesting turn. The Vireo team launched an introspective challenge to classes involved in their first hydroponic harvest of the year. Teachers were invited to reflect on the changes observed in their class and their students, the challenges encountered, and the purpose of their future harvests. The responses were both touching and revealing.

Here is an overview of what educators found remarkable and rewarding in the behavior and achievements of their students:

"The satisfaction and pride of seeing my students engage in the plant growth process and the vegetable harvest. Seeing the direct fruits of their labor created a source of joy and accomplishment for the students." - Pierre-Dupuy School

"The children's amazement at eating the fruits of their labor." - Des Lucioles School

These simple yet profound words testify to the significant impact of the Vireo indoor gardening project on the students' lives. They illustrate their fascination with seeing nature in action and the pure joy of being able to harvest the fruits of their labor.

The projects associated with the first harvest were equally inspiring for their meaningful nature:

"The harvests are sold at a low price to help the community with food inflation. The profits are donated to a charity chosen by the students at the end of the year." - International Education School

"With the first harvest of lettuce, we prepared salad plates with a herb dressing from our Vireo greenhouse. The school's green committee students then sold their salads to school staff by voluntary contribution." - Geai Bleu School

"We offered our lettuces to several families in need during the food drive." - Charlemagne College

Teachers also observed remarkable positive changes in their students:

École St-Claude

"They are proud, they have found new talents, new projects! It creates discussions, new friendships!" - St-Eugène School

"The project develops initiative and a sense of responsibility." - St-Claude School

"The students are curious and want to learn more about the functioning of the harvest, developing planning, organization, collaboration, and teamwork." - Sentiers School

The challenges of the first harvest were numerous, but they were transformed into opportunities for learning and growth:

"The hardest part at the beginning was to coordinate the weekly maintenance so that students learn the process well and become more and more autonomous." - Notre-Dame-du-Paradis School

"The biggest challenge was to get as many students as possible involved in the project." - Pine Grove School

Our visionary groups were rewarded for their efforts. All participants received a special seed packet and a certificate of recognition. Vireo also recognized and encouraged the steps taken by students and teachers by awarding the following prizes through a random draw:

  • 1st prize: Vincent Massey College - Vireo-branded shirts for all students and their teacher

  • 2nd prize: Bac School - A dehydrator and a shirt for the teacher

  • 3rd prize: Pine Grove Public School - A vacuum sealer and a shirt for the teacher

École Vinet Souligny
École St-Claude

In conclusion, the Harvest Festival at Vireo celebrates innovation in education and strengthens the connection with nature through project-based learning. The participating establishments are not just planting seeds to cultivate a garden; they are also cultivating the foundations of a sustainable and enlightened future, deeply rooted in a shared ecological consciousness.

This is an invitation to engage with Vireo, to celebrate your achievements, and to contribute to a greener future for everyone.


The Faces of Vireo : Embracing Innovation in Education with Mr. Ferrara


Navigating towards a greener future: A practical guide to environmental education (EE)