Social-emotional learning in schools: enrichment for students!

Are you a teacher, a member of the pedagogical team, or a school principal? Chances are you are already familiar with the Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) approach. This educational approach is increasingly being used by those concerned with children's development and well-being. It can be easily integrated into a school program and enriched through educational workshops. 

Developing social-emotional skills at school

Social-emotional learning (SEL) enables students to acquire the interpersonal skills that are essential for life in society. These social and emotional skills can be developed while learning academic subjects and during special educational projects.

Social-emotional learning (SEL) aims to develop the following skills in students:

  • Self-awareness: Children become aware of their emotions, interests, values and strengths.

  • Self-control: Students develop the ability to control their emotions and impulsivity to manage sources of stress. They learn to persevere to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

  • Social awareness: Students develop the ability to understand different points of view, empathize with others (whether classmates, family, or community) and act with honesty.

  • Relationship management: Students learn to establish and maintain positive interpersonal relationships. They develop cooperation and conflict resolution skills and are able to ask for help (or help others) when needed.

  • Empowerment: Children develop their ability to reason, make ethical choices and make responsible decisions. 

In essence, social-emotional learning in schools enables students to develop the skills they need in order to behave responsibly and with respect for others and themselves. It is a positive foundation for reducing stress and promoting educational success. 

Social-emotional learning (SEL) has become increasingly necessary in the school environment because this approach fosters the overall development of students in a healthy learning climate that promotes socialization. What's more, this educational approach can help prevent or reduce bullying and violence.

Recognized effectiveness of social-emotional learning

In a discussion group led by experts from the Quebec Committee for Youth with Behavioral Difficulties (CQJDC), teachers and special educators shared their perspectives on integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) into the school context. They recognized the numerous benefits of this approach on students' overall development and indicated that it fosters harmonious relationships with teachers.

Furthermore, an American study involving over 200 school environments that integrated social-emotional learning (SEL) followed nearly 300,000 students from kindergarten through high school. This study showed a significant improvement in students’ interpersonal skills, attitudes and behaviors. The academic results of those benefiting from social-emotional learning were 11% higher than those of other students. Moreover, they also developed a much greater ability to cope with stress and had a more positive image of themselves, of others and of their school.

Another study conducted by the University of Illinois showed that integrating social-emotional learning (SEL) into a school quickly  improved students' mental health, social skills and academic performance. Subsequently, the positive impact of this pedagogical approach on students persisted for months and even years.

A school hydroponic garden to promote social-emotional learning

If you are looking for a stimulating project that will engage students year-round and integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) into your classroom or school, Vireo's indoor hydroponic garden is an excellent solution! In addition to providing all the materials needed to cultivate and maintain the garden, the Vireo team offers personalized support for teachers.

As students discover the joys of growing vegetables, salads and herbs, they also learn to be responsible, interact, help each other and communicate with mutual respect. To manage this positive and unifying activity, Vireo provides teachers and students with an online platform that includes several intuitive functions and educational content tailored to the reality of school environments.  

These educational tools enable children of all ages to work together on a common project. While enjoying a great collaborative experience, they also learn to appreciate the benefits of nature and how to take care of it. Many public, private and alternative schools in North America are already equipped with the Vireo hydroponic garden project.

Regardless of your role within the educational staff of your school, do not hesitate to contact us for more information about Vireo's classroom pedagogical gardens.


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