Life-size science – A testimonial by Renée Bernard, Montreal teacher

Yes, I dared. I dared to venture into the field of hydroponics without any prior experience or knowledge. Despite my fear of heights, I wanted to offer my students something different.

I teach science in special education classes in secondary two and three.

Everything changed when I explored the Vireo digital platform. It only took one word to transform not only my vision of teaching, but also the entire décor of my science classroom. That word is “Biophilia”, meaning the love of all living things.

I had found a guiding principle that would allow me to teach science in a different way and, above all, in a setting closer to nature. I wanted my students to have an experiential learning environment as soon as they entered the classroom, engaging all their senses.

Mission accomplished!

  • For sight: I began by wallpapering the front of my classroom to create the impression of being at the foot of a green cliff.

  • For touch: A green plant was placed on each end of the work tables. Sometimes, I catch students gently touching the plants, which brings them a sense of inner calm.

  • For hearing: The sound of running water inside the kitchen garden mimics a stream near a forest, acting as a natural stress reliever.

  • For smell: Aromas from fresh herbs or tomato plants fill the classroom, reminiscent of nature.

  • For taste: Cooking and tasting produce from the garden is, by far, the favorite sense for my young teenagers. Imagine your students eating pesto pasta while working in class—a dream for many youngsters.

The arrival of the vegetable garden has enabled me to step outside the usual framework. What’s more, I’m working on a number of scientific concepts from the Secondary 2 and Secondary 3 curricula in a more concrete way that makes sense to my students.

The Vireo experience extends beyond my classroom. Since March 2022, the vegetable garden has piqued the curiosity of my colleagues, and my students’ friends come to see our harvests. They all wish they were in this class.

Like me, dare to embark on this adventure even if you have no experience, because you’ll be well supported by the Vireo team and the adventure will be even more rewarding.

In closing, here are a few photos that capture “SCIENCE GREATER THAN NATURE” and our vegetable garden keeper “Oscar”.

Renée Bernard, Montreal teacher

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